Parish Meeting

Under Schedule 12, Part III of the Local Government Act 1972 all Parishes must hold an Annual Parish Meeting in order discuss parish affairs. This is an open meeting of the Parish, not the Parish Council, to discuss matters of interest and concern to residents of the Parish. The meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June each year.

In Morland Parish, the Annual Parish Meeting is usually held on the second Monday of May, at Morland Village Hall, commencing at 7pm. The 2024 Annual Parish Meeting will held on Monday 13th May, commencing at 7.00pm.

Additionally, Morland Parish holds a New Year Parish Meeting every two years, where an auction for rental of Charity Lands takes place. The last New Year Meeting was held on Monday 8th January 2024, at 7pm, at Morland Village Hall. 

Morland Parish Councillors will be in attendance at Parish Meetings and all members of the Parish are welcome to attend.

The Parish Council would urge residents to use this opportunity to raise any issues and concerns they have within the Parish, and as a chance to bring new ideas and proposals forward. If there are any issues you would like to add to the agenda for the meeting, please contact the Parish Clerk using the contact form on this site, or by email at

An agenda for the meeting will be published at least three clear days before the meeting is due to convene and minutes will be published within one month of the meeting taking place, to be confirmed at the following year’s meeting.