Accounting and Finance

Below are accounting and finance documents pertaining to the business of Morland Parish Council. All documents can be inspected in person upon prior arrangement with the Clerk. Copies are available on request. For further details, please contact the Clerk using the contact form or via email at

Morland Parish Council carries out its’ annual audit according to the specifications laid out in The Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015. A smaller authority, with income and expenditure below £25,000, may declare itself exempt from external audit. An independent internal audit is still conducted. However, due to purchase of the Allotment Field, in financial year 2023-24, Morland Parish Council exceeded this amount, and therefore has submitted its account for external audit. Morland Parish Council approved its accounts for 2023-24 at an Annual Parish Council Meeting held on May 13th 2024.

Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounts to be audited and all documents relating to them. For the year ending 31 March 2024 these documents will be available on reasonable notice on application to the Parish Clerk, between the dates of Monday 1st July 2024 and Friday 9th August 2024. A full copy of the Notice of Public Rights is available here – Notice of Rights 2024